Our Product

Our Product

UrBox is a digital gifting & loyalty platform that helps businesses integrate their reward or loyalty program with an ever-growing network of national and international gift suppliers/merchants.

UrBox also connects brands with customers through multiple digital channels. Customers can receive the gift instantly and store it on their app/phone and redeem at both offline and online store.


Accepted stores


Gift Brand Partners


Valued Clients

Download app to explore now!

We are located on App Store & Google Play.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values

Fact First

Always clarify problems in specific contexts to find the root causes.


Respect work discipline and professional ethics. Punish any act of ignoring discipline to please others.


To wait is to waste. Independent thinking and proactively looking for solutions is the key.

Continuous Improvement

Constant self-improving, enhancing knowledge. Continuous products, processes and systems improvement.

Mutual Understanding

Put oneself in other’s shoe. Thinking out of one’s expertise to support and understand each other.